Marketing Aims for Music Video
Target consumer: Our target consumers will be aged around the 16-25 age range and we have set no limit on ethnicity as reggae is a genre listened to by many.
Unique Selling Point: The USP of our music video will be the fact that the whole video is shot in black and white and various colour edits will be added during the editing stage of the music video, this is our unique selling point due to the fact on the market there are currently very few or none at all music videos shot in black and white with colour edits. We will also be able to use our USP as a self promotion tool as it will sell itself to the market.
Attention/Awareness: We will raise attention and awareness for our music video by adhering to various codes and conventions that our market are aware of i.e. the use of revealing clothing in order to attract males and also dominating and strong females in order to attract the female audience. Different camera shots will also be used to grip the attention of the audience such as close ups, long shots and side shots.
Interest: We will need to maintain interest in our music video in order to increase the life length of the video and keep it on the market for as long as possible, to do this we will use the USP as a promotional tool which will increase the popularity of the music video and hopefully develop interest for a long duration of time.
Desire: My desire by creating this music video is to give the independent artist Princess Landa a gateway into mainstream music and if that is not successful then at least provide her with a larger fan base and increased popularity. I also hope to increase the amount of listeners that listen to the reggae genre and hopefully create a pathway for more potential artists to jump on the reggae bandwagon.
Product: The finished product will consist of the music video, CD cover and also an MP3 version of the single.
Price: The music video itself will be free for all to consume as it will be uploaded on popular video uploading websites such as YouTube but the single will be priced at around £1.99, the reason for this price is because we will be selling the single online on iTunes and which are discounted programs and websites therefore we cannot charge a premium price also it is only one song therefore £1.99 seems like a reasonable price.
Place: We will aim to market the music video in inner London as we believe this is where our target market will reside and therefore will provide us with a larger fan base.
Promotion: The majority of our music video will be promoted online as previous research shows that popular social networks such as Facebook, Myspace and Twitter are websites that nearly all of our target consumers use and therefore it only seems right we go where our target consumers are. The advantage to promoting online is the fact that we will be able to target a large amount of consumers/listeners for little or no money being wasted in comparison to promoting on television, billboards and magazines etc.
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