Thursday 17 February 2011

My Magazine Advertisement

Here is the magazine advertisement I have created for my CD, I have purposely placed a large HMV logo at the top of the advertisement as HMV is a well established and respected music outlet amongst music listeners so therefore it will automatically give viewers of my advertisement something to relate to straight away. From the previous research I had conducted on magazine advertisements I noticed that the majority contain the cover of the actual CD within the advertisement so this is something I decided to incorporate within my own media package and I have placed a pink border around it to ensure that it is eye catching and grabs the attention of readers.

The release date of the CD is an essential piece of information that must be included within every promotional advertisement for an artists CD or single which is the reason why I have decided to significantly enlarge the font in comparison to the rest of the text so that the date stands out to the reader and further encourages them to go and purchase the CD. Ratings are another piece of information that I have noticed to come up time and time again within magazine advertisements as it shows the reader that purchasing the CD is not a waste of money and respected music critics actually favour the CD which again is used as a marketing tool to encourage the reader to purchase the compact disk. I have made sure that the critics are people that are known within the music scene and who's opinions people value such as DJ Westwood and Time Magazine.

Underneath the ratings, I have also included what artists are featured within the CD, I did this because certain readers may not be very big fans of Princess Landa's music but if they recognise another artist whose music they prefer more then it may persuade them to purchase the CD.

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